Sense and Sensibility are sculptures in felt, based on city maps of areas where Lidal has lived and worked, in Oslo and Berlin. The felt maps are precisely cut out of thick hand made felt, but they loose their meaning as maps when they are hung collapsed on the wall and floor. The information that was in the map, becomes minimal, abstract, hard to read, even though it’s tempting to look for familiar elements. The felted maps get a new logic, they become form and material that needs to be experienced in the space, rather than understood with reason. At the same time, new landscapes, new maps, new spaces and new meaning appear.
“Sense and Sensibility I”, 2016. Mongolian Wool Felt, digital cut. 160x95x40cm. Photo: K.Lidal
“Sense and Sensibility II”, Karen Lidal, 2017. Mongolsk filt. Foto: K. Lidal“Sense and Sensibility III”, 2017. Mongolian Wool Felt, digital cut. 140x90x20cm. Photo: K. Lidal“Sense and Sensibility IV”, 2017. Mongolian Wool Felt, digital cut. 180x37x15cm. Photo: K. Lidal“Sense and Sensibility V”, 2017. Mongolian Wool Felt, digital cut. 200x120x30cm. Photo: K. Lidal“Sense and Sensibility VI”, 2017. Mongolian Wool Felt, digital cut. Photo: K. Lidal“Sense and Sensibility VII”, 2017. Mongolian Wool Felt, digital cut. Photo: K. Lidal“Sense and Sensibility VIII”, 2017. Mongolian Wool Felt, digital cut. Photo: K. Lidal