Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt)

Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt)
20 x 140 cm
Cotton crochet

The project is an investigation of the terms ”Work” and ”Labor”. Hannah Arendt, the philosopher, distinguishes between the two, and writes that while labor is the cyclical work we do for our necessities of life, such as growing food, work is the production of objects that affirm our being in the world, such as the craftsman’s carpentry of a chair. Could it be that art transcends both concepts? The words are crocheted by hand in black cotton.

Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt)
Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt), Karen Lidal 2010. Foto: K. Lidal
Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt), detail
Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt), detalj, Karen Lidal 2010. Foto: K. Lidal
Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt)
Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt), Karen Lidal 2010. Foto: K. Lidal
Foto: Karen Lidal
Work Labor (After Hannah Arendt), Karen Lidal 2010. Foto: K. Lidal